
in package

Unique key map bin operations. Create map operations used by the client operate command.

The default unique key map is unordered.

All maps maintain an index and a rank. The index is the item offset from the start of the map, for both unordered and ordered maps. The rank is the sorted index of the value component. Map supports negative indexing for index and rank.

Index examples:

Index 0: First item in map. Index 4: Fifth item in map. Index -1: Last item in map. Index -3: Third to last item in map. Index 1 Count 2: Second and third items in map. Index -3 Count 3: Last three items in map. Index -5 Count 4: Range between fifth to last item to second to last item inclusive.

Rank examples:

Rank 0: Item with lowest value rank in map. Rank 4: Fifth lowest ranked item in map. Rank -1: Item with highest ranked value in map. Rank -3: Item with third highest ranked value in map. Rank 1 Count 2: Second and third lowest ranked items in map. Rank -3 Count 3: Top three ranked items in map.

Nested CDT operations are supported by optional CTX context arguments. Examples:

bin = {key1:{key11:9,key12:4}, key2:{key21:3,key22:5}} Set map value to 11 for map key "key21" inside of map key "key2". MapOperation.put(MapPolicy.Default, "bin", StringValue("key21"), IntegerValue(11), CtxMapKey(StringValue("key2"))) bin result = {key1:{key11:9,key12:4},key2:{key21:11,key22:5}}

bin : {key1:{key11:{key111:1},key12:{key121:5}}, key2:{key21:{"key211":7}}} Set map value to 11 in map key "key121" for highest ranked map ("key12") inside of map key "key1". MapPutOp(DefaultMapPolicy(), "bin", StringValue("key121"), IntegerValue(11), CtxMapKey(StringValue("key1")), CtxMapRank(-1)) bin result = {key1:{key11:{key111:1},key12:{key121:11}}, key2:{key21:{"key211":7}}}

Table of Contents


clear()  : Operation
MapClearOp creates map clear operation.
create()  : Operation
MapCreateOp creates a map create operation.
decrement()  : Operation
MapDecrementOp creates map decrement operation.
getByIndex()  : Operation
MapGetByIndexOp creates map get by index operation.
getByIndexRange()  : Operation
MapGetByIndexRangeOp creates map get by index range operation.
getByIndexRangeCount()  : Operation
MapGetByIndexRangeCountOp creates map get by index range operation.
getByKeyRange()  : Operation
MapGetByKeyRangeOp creates map get by key range operation.
getByKeyRelativeIndexRange()  : Operation
MapGetByKeyRelativeIndexRangeOp creates a map get by key relative to index range operation.
getByKeyRelativeIndexRangeCount()  : Operation
MapGetByKeyRelativeIndexRangeCountOp creates a map get by key relative to index range operation.
getByKeys()  : Operation
MapGetByKeyOp creates map get by key operation.
getByRank()  : Operation
MapGetByRankOp creates map get by rank operation.
getByRankRange()  : Operation
MapGetByRankRangeOp creates map get by rank range operation.
getByRankRangeCount()  : Operation
MapGetByRankRangeCountOp creates map get by rank range operation.
getByValueRange()  : Operation
MapGetByValueRangeOp creates map get by value range operation.
getByValueRelativeRankRange()  : Operation
MapGetByValueRelativeRankRangeOp creates a map get by value relative to rank range operation.
getByValueRelativeRankRangeCount()  : Operation
MapGetByValueRelativeRankRangeCountOp creates a map get by value relative to rank range operation.
getByValues()  : Operation
MapGetByKeyListOp creates a map get by key list operation.
increment()  : Operation
MapIncrementOp creates map increment operation.
put()  : Operation|null
MapPutOp creates map put operation.
removeByIndex()  : Operation
MapRemoveByIndexOp creates map remove operation.
removeByIndexRange()  : Operation
MapRemoveByIndexRangeOp creates map remove operation.
removeByIndexRangeCount()  : Operation
MapRemoveByIndexRangeCountOp creates map remove operation.
removeByKeyRange()  : Operation
MapRemoveByKeyRangeOp creates map remove operation.
removeByKeyRelativeIndexRange()  : Operation
MapRemoveByKeyRelativeIndexRangeOp creates a map remove by key relative to index range operation.
removeByKeyRelativeIndexRangeCount()  : Operation
MapRemoveByKeyRelativeIndexRangeCountOp creates map remove by key relative to index range operation.
removeByKeys()  : Operation
MapRemoveByKeyOp creates map remove operation.
removeByRank()  : Operation
MapRemoveByRankOp creates map remove operation.
removeByRankRange()  : Operation
MapRemoveByRankRangeOp creates map remove operation.
removeByRankRangeCount()  : Operation
MapRemoveByRankRangeCountOp creates map remove operation.
removeByValueRange()  : Operation
MapRemoveByValueListOp creates map remove operation.
removeByValueRelativeRankRange()  : Operation
MapRemoveByValueRelativeRankRangeOp creates a map remove by value relative to rank range operation.
removeByValueRelativeRankRangeCount()  : Operation
MapRemoveByValueRelativeRankRangeCountOp creates a map remove by value relative to rank range operation.
removeByValues()  : Operation
MapRemoveByValueOp creates map remove operation.
setPolicy()  : Operation
MapSetPolicyOp creates set map policy operation.
size()  : Operation
MapSizeOp creates map size operation.



MapClearOp creates map clear operation.

public static clear(string $bin_name, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes all items in map. Server returns nil.

$bin_name : string
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapCreateOp creates a map create operation.

public static create(string $bin_name, MapOrderType $order, bool|null $with_index, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server creates map at given context level.

$bin_name : string
$order : MapOrderType
$with_index : bool|null
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapDecrementOp creates map decrement operation.

public static decrement(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $key, mixed $decr, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server decrements values by decr for all items identified by key and returns final result. Valid only for numbers.

The required map policy dictates the type of map to create when it does not exist. The map policy also specifies the mode used when writing items to the map.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$key : mixed
$decr : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByIndexOp creates map get by index operation.

public static getByIndex(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $index, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map item identified by index and returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$index : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByIndexRangeOp creates map get by index range operation.

public static getByIndexRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $begin, mixed $end, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items starting at specified index to the end of map and returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$begin : mixed
$end : mixed
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByIndexRangeCountOp creates map get by index range operation.

public static getByIndexRangeCount(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $index, int $rank, int $count, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects "count" map items starting at specified index and returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$index : int
$rank : int
$count : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByKeyRangeOp creates map get by key range operation.

public static getByKeyRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $begin, mixed $end, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items identified by key range (keyBegin inclusive, keyEnd exclusive). If keyBegin is nil, the range is less than keyEnd. If keyEnd is nil, the range is greater than equal to keyBegin.

Server returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$begin : mixed
$end : mixed
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByKeyRelativeIndexRangeOp creates a map get by key relative to index range operation.

public static getByKeyRelativeIndexRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $key, int $index, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items nearest to key and greater by index. Server returns selected data specified by returnType.

Examples for ordered map [{0=17},{4=2},{5=15},{9=10}]:

(value,index) = [selected items] (5,0) = [{5=15},{9=10}] (5,1) = [{9=10}] (5,-1) = [{4=2},{5=15},{9=10}] (3,2) = [{9=10}] (3,-2) = [{0=17},{4=2},{5=15},{9=10}] Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$key : mixed
$index : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByKeyRelativeIndexRangeCountOp creates a map get by key relative to index range operation.

public static getByKeyRelativeIndexRangeCount(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $key, int $index, int $count, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items nearest to key and greater by index with a count limit. Server returns selected data specified by returnType (See MapReturnType).

Examples for ordered map [{0=17},{4=2},{5=15},{9=10}]:

(value,index,count) = [selected items] (5,0,1) = [{5=15}] (5,1,2) = [{9=10}] (5,-1,1) = [{4=2}] (3,2,1) = [{9=10}] (3,-2,2) = [{0=17}] Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$key : mixed
$index : int
$count : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByKeyOp creates map get by key operation.

public static getByKeys(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, array<string|int, mixed> $keys, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map item identified by key and returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$keys : array<string|int, mixed>
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByRankOp creates map get by rank operation.

public static getByRank(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $rank, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map item identified by rank and returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$rank : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByRankRangeOp creates map get by rank range operation.

public static getByRankRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $begin, mixed $end, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items starting at specified rank to the last ranked item and returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$begin : mixed
$end : mixed
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByRankRangeCountOp creates map get by rank range operation.

public static getByRankRangeCount(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $rank, int $range, int $count, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects "count" map items starting at specified rank and returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$rank : int
$range : int
$count : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByValueRangeOp creates map get by value range operation.

public static getByValueRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $begin, mixed $end, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items identified by value range (valueBegin inclusive, valueEnd exclusive) If valueBegin is nil, the range is less than valueEnd. If valueEnd is nil, the range is greater than equal to valueBegin.

Server returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$begin : mixed
$end : mixed
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByValueRelativeRankRangeOp creates a map get by value relative to rank range operation.

public static getByValueRelativeRankRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $value, int $rank, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items nearest to value and greater by relative rank. Server returns selected data specified by returnType.

Examples for map [{4=2},{9=10},{5=15},{0=17}]:

(value,rank) = [selected items] (11,1) = [{0=17}] (11,-1) = [{9=10},{5=15},{0=17}] Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$value : mixed
$rank : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByValueRelativeRankRangeCountOp creates a map get by value relative to rank range operation.

public static getByValueRelativeRankRangeCount(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $value, int $rank, int $count, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items nearest to value and greater by relative rank with a count limit. Server returns selected data specified by returnType.

Examples for map [{4=2},{9=10},{5=15},{0=17}]:

(value,rank,count) = [selected items] (11,1,1) = [{0=17}] (11,-1,1) = [{9=10}] Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$value : mixed
$rank : int
$count : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapGetByKeyListOp creates a map get by key list operation.

public static getByValues(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, array<string|int, mixed> $values, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server selects map items identified by keys and returns selected data specified by returnType. Should be used with BatchRead.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$values : array<string|int, mixed>
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapIncrementOp creates map increment operation.

public static increment(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $key, mixed $incr, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server increments values by incr for all items identified by key and returns final result. Valid only for numbers.

The required map policy dictates the type of map to create when it does not exist. The map policy also specifies the mode used when writing items to the map.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$key : mixed
$incr : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapPutOp creates map put operation.

public static put(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $map, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation|null

Server writes key/value item to map bin and returns map size.

The required map policy dictates the type of map to create when it does not exist. The map policy also specifies the mode used when writing items to the map.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$map : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByIndexOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByIndex(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $index, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map item identified by index and returns removed data specified by returnType.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$index : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByIndexRangeOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByIndexRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $index, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items starting at specified index to the end of map and returns removed data specified by returnTyp

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$index : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByIndexRangeCountOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByIndexRangeCount(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $index, int $count, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes "count" map items starting at specified index and returns removed data specified by returnType.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$index : int
$count : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByKeyRangeOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByKeyRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $begin, mixed $end, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items identified by key range (keyBegin inclusive, keyEnd exclusive). If keyBegin is nil, the range is less than keyEnd. If keyEnd is nil, the range is greater than equal to keyBegin.

Server returns removed data specified by returnType.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$begin : mixed
$end : mixed
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByKeyRelativeIndexRangeOp creates a map remove by key relative to index range operation.

public static removeByKeyRelativeIndexRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $key, int $index, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items nearest to key and greater by index. Server returns removed data specified by returnType.

Examples for map [{0=17},{4=2},{5=15},{9=10}]:

(value,index) = [removed items] (5,0) = [{5=15},{9=10}] (5,1) = [{9=10}] (5,-1) = [{4=2},{5=15},{9=10}] (3,2) = [{9=10}] (3,-2) = [{0=17},{4=2},{5=15},{9=10}]

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$key : mixed
$index : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByKeyRelativeIndexRangeCountOp creates map remove by key relative to index range operation.

public static removeByKeyRelativeIndexRangeCount(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $key, int $index, int $count, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items nearest to key and greater by index with a count limit. Server returns removed data specified by returnType.

Examples for map [{0=17},{4=2},{5=15},{9=10}]:

(value,index,count) = [removed items] (5,0,1) = [{5=15}] (5,1,2) = [{9=10}] (5,-1,1) = [{4=2}] (3,2,1) = [{9=10}] (3,-2,2) = [{0=17}]

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$key : mixed
$index : int
$count : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByKeyOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByKeys(string $bin_name, array<string|int, mixed> $keys, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map item identified by key and returns removed data specified by returnType.

$bin_name : string
$keys : array<string|int, mixed>
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByRankOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByRank(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $rank, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map item identified by rank and returns removed data specified by returnType.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$rank : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByRankRangeOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByRankRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $rank, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items starting at specified rank to the last ranked item and returns removed data specified by returnType.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$rank : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByRankRangeCountOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByRankRangeCount(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, int $rank, int $count, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes "count" map items starting at specified rank and returns removed data specified by returnType.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$rank : int
$count : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByValueListOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByValueRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $begin, mixed $end, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items identified by values and returns removed data specified by returnType.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$begin : mixed
$end : mixed
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByValueRelativeRankRangeOp creates a map remove by value relative to rank range operation.

public static removeByValueRelativeRankRange(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $value, int $rank, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items nearest to value and greater by relative rank. Server returns removed data specified by returnType.

Examples for map [{4=2},{9=10},{5=15},{0=17}]:

(value,rank) = [removed items] (11,1) = [{0=17}] (11,-1) = [{9=10},{5=15},{0=17}]

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$value : mixed
$rank : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByValueRelativeRankRangeCountOp creates a map remove by value relative to rank range operation.

public static removeByValueRelativeRankRangeCount(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, mixed $value, int $rank, int $count, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items nearest to value and greater by relative rank with a count limit. Server returns removed data specified by returnType (See MapReturnType).

Examples for map [{4=2},{9=10},{5=15},{0=17}]:

(value,rank,count) = [removed items] (11,1,1) = [{0=17}] (11,-1,1) = [{9=10}]

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$value : mixed
$rank : int
$count : int
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapRemoveByValueOp creates map remove operation.

public static removeByValues(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, array<string|int, mixed> $values, mixed $return_type, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server removes map items identified by value and returns removed data specified by returnType.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$values : array<string|int, mixed>
$return_type : mixed
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapSetPolicyOp creates set map policy operation.

public static setPolicy(MapPolicy $policy, string $bin_name, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server sets map policy attributes. Server returns nil.

The required map policy attributes can be changed after the map is created.

$policy : MapPolicy
$bin_name : string
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


MapSizeOp creates map size operation.

public static size(string $bin_name, array<string|int, mixed>|null $ctx) : Operation

Server returns size of map.

$bin_name : string
$ctx : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values

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