
in package

HLLWriteFlags specifies the HLL write operation flags.

Table of Contents


AllowFold()  : HllWriteFlags
HLLWriteFlagsAllowFold allows the resulting set to be the minimum of provided index bits.
CreateOnly()  : HllWriteFlags
HLLWriteFlagsCreateOnly behaves like the following: If the bin already exists, the operation will be denied.
Default()  : HllWriteFlags
HLLWriteFlagsDefault is Default. Allow create or update.
NoFail()  : HllWriteFlags
HLLWriteFlagsNoFail does not raise error if operation is denied.
UpdateOnly()  : HllWriteFlags
HLLWriteFlagsUpdateOnly behaves like the following: If the bin already exists, the bin will be overwritten.



HLLWriteFlagsAllowFold allows the resulting set to be the minimum of provided index bits.

public static AllowFold() : HllWriteFlags

Also, allow the usage of less precise HLL algorithms when minHash bits of all participating sets do not match.

Return values


HLLWriteFlagsUpdateOnly behaves like the following: If the bin already exists, the bin will be overwritten.

public static UpdateOnly() : HllWriteFlags

If the bin does not exist, the operation will be denied.

Return values

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