
in package

Record expiration, also known as time-to-live (TTL).

Table of Contents


DontUpdate()  : Expiration
Do not change the record's expiry time when updating the record; requires Aerospike server version 3.10.1 or later.
NamespaceDefault()  : Expiration
Set the record's expiry time using the default time-to-live (TTL) value for the namespace
Never()  : Expiration
Set the record to never expire. Requires Aerospike 2 server version 2.7.2 or later or Aerospike 3 server version 3.1.4 or later. Do not use with older servers.
Seconds()  : Expiration
Set the record to expire X seconds from now



Set the record to never expire. Requires Aerospike 2 server version 2.7.2 or later or Aerospike 3 server version 3.1.4 or later. Do not use with older servers.

public static Never() : Expiration
Return values

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