
in package

BatchUDFPolicy attributes used in batch UDF execute commands.

Table of Contents


$commit_level  : mixed
$durable_delete  : mixed
$expiration  : mixed
$filter_expression  : mixed
$send_key  : mixed


__construct()  : mixed
getCommitLevel()  : CommitLevel
Desired consistency guarantee when committing a transaction on the server. The default (COMMIT_ALL) indicates that the server should wait for master and all replica commits to be successful before returning success to the client.
getDurableDelete()  : bool
DurableDelete leaves a tombstone for the record if the transaction results in a record deletion.
getExpiration()  : Expiration
Expiration determines record expiration in seconds. Also known as TTL (Time-To-Live).
getFilterExpression()  : Expression|null
Optional expression filter. If FilterExpression exists and evaluates to false, the specific batch key request is not performed and BatchRecord.ResultCode is set to types.FILTERED_OUT.
getSendKey()  : bool
SendKey determines to whether send user defined key in addition to hash digest on both reads and writes.
setCommitLevel()  : mixed
setDurableDelete()  : mixed
setExpiration()  : mixed
setFilterExpression()  : mixed
setSendKey()  : mixed




Desired consistency guarantee when committing a transaction on the server. The default (COMMIT_ALL) indicates that the server should wait for master and all replica commits to be successful before returning success to the client.

public getCommitLevel() : CommitLevel

Default: CommitLevel.COMMIT_ALL

Return values


DurableDelete leaves a tombstone for the record if the transaction results in a record deletion.

public getDurableDelete() : bool

This prevents deleted records from reappearing after node failures. Valid for Aerospike Server Enterprise Edition 3.10+ only.

Return values


Expiration determines record expiration in seconds. Also known as TTL (Time-To-Live).

public getExpiration() : Expiration

Seconds record will live before being removed by the server. Expiration values: TTLServerDefault (0): Default to namespace configuration variable "default-ttl" on the server. TTLDontExpire (MaxUint32): Never expire for Aerospike 2 server versions >= 2.7.2 and Aerospike 3+ server TTLDontUpdate (MaxUint32 - 1): Do not change ttl when record is written. Supported by Aerospike server versions >= 3.10.1

0: Actual expiration in seconds.

Return values


Optional expression filter. If FilterExpression exists and evaluates to false, the specific batch key request is not performed and BatchRecord.ResultCode is set to types.FILTERED_OUT.

public getFilterExpression() : Expression|null

Default: nil

Return values


SendKey determines to whether send user defined key in addition to hash digest on both reads and writes.

public getSendKey() : bool

If the key is sent on a write, the key will be stored with the record on the server. The default is to not send the user defined key.

Return values


public setFilterExpression(mixed $filter_expression) : mixed
$filter_expression : mixed

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