
WebUI Hosted Mode

Launching AeroLab Web-based user interface (WebUI) is as simple as running aerolab webui.

In shared-account situation, it may be desirable to host aerolab on a webserver for multiple users. This document describes the options possible and required to achieve this.

Extra parameters

To use hosted-mode, extra parameters at the end of the aerolab webui command must be provided. Full list of parameters for tuning the webui behaviours and limits can be obtained by running aerolab webui help.

The below outlines an example with just the hosted-mode specific parameters:

aerolab webui --listen --listen [::]:3333 --nobrowser --block-server-ls --unique-firewalls --agi-strict-tls --ws-proxy-origin --strict-agi-tls

Explanation of parameters:

TLS for WebUI

AeroLab WebUI does not provide TLS support out of the box. If TLS and/or authentication are required, use a TLS/Authenticating proxy in front of aerolab webui. Have a look at this project as a useable example. When using a proxy, either:

AGI Strict TLS

This mode requries all AGI instances and AGI Monitor to have valid TLS certificates. For the purpose of completeness, the below section explains how to set the whole WebUI and AGI to use strict TLS checking. This will also explain how to start AGI instances with valid DNS names (required) in this mode.

Since aerolab, agi and agi-monitor communicate with each other, once --agi-strict-tls is enabled, these components must be able to communicate using valid TLS certificates.

Component Description
AeroLab WebUI does not use certificates, requires a separate TLS proxy in front
AGI Has it’s own web server and requires TLS certificates. These can be provided using aerolab agi create ... --proxy-ssl-cert=cert.pem --proxy-ssl-key=key.pem. If deploying AGIMonitor at the same time (ie using --with-monitor and AGI Monitor does not exist yet), also provide agi-monitor certificates using either autocert or manual cert: --with-monitor --monitor-autocert= --monitor-autocert-email= --monitor-cert-file= --monitor-key-file= . See aerolab agi create help for more switches and details.
AGI (DNS) For AGI certificates to be valid, they must refer to a valid domain. This can be done manually, or alternatively in AWS the certificates could be created for a wildcard domain per region (ex *, the domain hosted in AWS Route53, and AGI could automatically handle creating domains in route53 for each instance as {instanceid}.{region}.agi.{domain} for example To have this work, use aerolab agi create ... --route53-zoneid= --route53-domain=.
AGI Monitor The AGI Monitor can have certificates provided either as part of deploying the first AGI instance (see AGI part above) or using aerolab agi monitor create ... --autocert= --autocert-email= --cert-file= --key-file=. Either autocert OR cert+key information has to be provided. See aerolab agi monitor help for details. It is adviseable to create AGI Monitor manually for a hosted aerolab to avoid race conditions when multiple users try to create an AGI instance at the same time. A domain must also be created for AGI Monitor to use, so that it’s DNS will be accurate. If a domain is manually configured, aerolab agi create ... --agi-monitor-url= must be manually specified for each AGI instance, as they will be unaware of the domain name that was used. Alternatively, aerolab can be told to create the domain in AWS route53 automatically using aerolab agi monitor create ... --route53-zoneid= --route53-fqdn=.


Example usage with auto domains (assumes AeroLab WebUI is deployed on a server, and the commands are being executed from said server, on AWS):

# deploy AGI Monitor, use autocert for certificates, and configure route53 DNS automatically
aerolab agi monitor create --route53-zoneid=XZ12784628 --strict-agi-tls

# set the defaults for AGI so WebUI users don't have to fill them
aerolab config defaults -k AGI.Create.WithAGIMonitorAuto -v true
aerolab config defaults -k AGI.Create.ProxyCert -v cert.pem # cert for *
aerolab config defaults -k AGI.Create.ProxyKey -v key.pem   # key for *
aerolab config defaults -k AGI.Create.Aws.Route53ZoneId -v XZ12784628
aerolab config defaults -k AGI.Create.Aws.Route53DomainName -v
aerolab config defaults -k AGI.Create.Aws.WithEFS -v true

# start webui
aerolab webui --listen --listen [::]:3333 --nobrowser --block-server-ls --unique-firewalls --agi-strict-tls --ws-proxy-origin

Certbot Example

certbot certonly --dns-route53 -n -d '*'


While aerolab can be installed on the destination machine as aerolab cluster add aerolab -n NAME or aerolab client configure aerolab -n NAME, the version deployed will not be the full /embedded/ version. To then upgrade to a full aerolab version, run this: aerolab attach shell -n NAME -- aerolab upgrade --force [--edge] or aerolab attach client -n NAME -- aerolab upgrade --force [--edge].

Simple mode

AeroLab WebUI comes with simple mode. By default the said mode can be switched on and off. In certain situations, such as when hosting aerolab for users, it may be useful to disable full mode and select which simple-mode features are allowed. To start aerolab, forcing simple-mode, add --force-simple-mode to the command.

To configure extra options (such as enabling and disabling form fields and commands) in simple mode, create a file at ~/.aerolab/www-simple-mode.list (or wherever $AEROLAB_HOME points to if set). The contents is a one-per-line list of commands and switches. Note that to enable subcommands, the top level commands must be enabled.

All items can be obtained by executing aerolab config defaults option. Once that is done, put the keys in the list file.

Prepend - to disallow or + to allow.

For example, to disallow cluster grow command and all cluster partition commands, while explicitly enabling cluster create with --count:



While the defaults are ment to provide a sane single-user experience, special modifiers can be put in the first line to either start with allowing all options or start with disallowing all options (ignoring software defaults). The below allows all options in simple mode EXCEPT cluster grow command.


Option -ALL is also allowed to perform the reverse.

WebUI Inventory - hiding tabs

Tabs are always enabled by default (the -ALL modifier has no effect). If for example AGI is disabled in simple mode, you may wish to disable the AGI tab in the inventory listing from showing. To do that, just add -INVENTORY:AGI line in the list.

Full list of tab disabling options for inventory tabs: