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Deploy a rack-aware cluster with strong consistency

AeroLab simplifies deploying a rack-aware Aerospike Database cluster in strong consistency mode.

Create a custom template configuration file

aerolab conf generate -f sc-template.conf

Select strong consistency tickbox, and hit CTRL+X to save the file.

Create a 6-node Aerospike cluster, do not start aerospike

aerolab cluster create -c 6 -s n -o sc-template.conf

Assign rack-id 1 to first three nodes, all namespaces

Do not re-roster with strong consistency yet.

aerolab conf rackid -l 1-3 -i 1 --no-roster

Assign rack-id 2 to the next three nodes, all namespaces

This time, apply the strong consistency roster and start the cluster.

aerolab conf rackid -l 4-6 -i 2

Confirm the cluster is working

aerolab attach asadm -- -e info