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Cluster commands

AeroLab cluster commands deal with provisioning and destroying Aerospike machines, whether they’re on Docker containers or AWS VMs.

Create a two-node Aerospike cluster

Use the newest version of Aerospike Database

aerolab cluster create -c 2 -n mycluster

Pick a specific version of Aerospike

aerolab cluster create -c 2 -n mycluster -v

Stop a cluster

aerolab cluster stop -n mycluster

Start an existing cluster

aerolab cluster start -n mycluster

List clusters, templates and IP addresses

aerolab cluster list

Add two more nodes to an existing cluster

aerolab cluster grow -c 2 -n mycluster

Fix the mesh heartbeat configuration in an Aerospike cluster

aerolab conf fix-mesh -n mycluster

Destroy the cluster

aerolab cluster destroy -n mycluster -f

Create a two-node cluster with a custom version, and passing in an aerospike.conf file

aerolab cluster create -c 2 -n mycluster -v -o my-aerospike-conf-template.conf

Stop cluster node 2

aerolab cluster stop -n mycluster -l 2

Destroy cluster node 2

aerolab cluster destroy -n mycluster -l 2

Destroy a template image

aerolab cluster list
aerolab template destroy -v -d all -i all

Destroy all AeroLab template images

aerolab template destroy -v all -d all -i all