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Custom Aerospike build

Method 1: Use a prebuilt installer tarball

Download the custom build and name it according to the following example convention:


In other words, the file needs to be called: aerospike-server-enterprise-${VERSION}-${OS}${OS_VER}.${ARCH}.tgz

Version can be any Aerospike version (4 digits separated by dots) with optionally another dot and an RC file designation, for example:

The operating system must be one of the following: centos, amazon, ubuntu. The operating system version must be the version for which this build is made.

The architecture is either x86_64 or arm64.

Run Aerospike

Use aerolab as normal, specifying the correct version.

For example, given a file aerospike-server-enterprise-, install Aerospike as:

aerolab cluster create -d ubuntu -i 20.04 -v

The version is already downloaded, so AeroLab will automatically use it instead of trying to download it.

Method 2: providing a custom binary

Create an Aerospike cluster (2 example nodes)

aerolab cluster create -d ubuntu -i 20.04 -v -c 2 -s n

Upload a custom Aerospike binary

aerolab files upload asd /usr/bin/asd
aerolab attach shell -l all -- chmod 755 /usr/bin/asd

Start Aerospike

aerolab aerospike start

Method 3: using a custom installer

Example: deb file

Create an Aerospike cluster (2 example nodes)

aerolab cluster create -d ubuntu -i 20.04 -v -c 2 -s n

Upload a custom Aerospike binary

aerolab files upload aerospike.deb /tmp/aerospike.deb
aerolab attach shell -l all -- dpkg -i /tmp/aerospike.deb

Start Aerospike

aerolab aerospike start