
Deploying EKS clusters with aerolab for Aerospike

Aerolab can create client machines (containers/VMs) with preinstalled tools for the deployment of EKS clusters in AWS as well as the OLM (operator lifecycle manager) and AKO (aerospike kubernetes operator). This allows for the deployment of Aerospike in EKS clusters.


Name Description
bootstrap bash script responsible for installing and updating EKS components in the VM/container; auto-run the first time during creation; can be run multiple times to update the components
eksctl the EKSCTL application for creating and destroying EKS clusters; installed by bootstrap
eksexpiry an application for changing/extending expiry of auto-expiring EKS clusters
kubectl the latest version of the kubectl utility; installed by bootstrap
aws the aws-cli v2 installed by bootstrap
helm k8s helm tool installed by bootstrap
/root/eks directory containing example yaml files for use with eksctl


Create the client machine

Provide a KEYID and SECRETKEY that the machine should use to interact with AWS.

aerolab client create eksctl -n eksctl -f /path/to/features.conf -r AWS-REGION -k AKIAxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -s xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Alternatively, provide an instance policy to apply to the instance for authentication purposes (policy must exist):

aerolab client create eksctl -n eksctl -f /path/to/features.conf -r AWS-REGION -x AWS-POLICY-NAME

Optional - configure timezone in eksctl client machine

This is particularly useful for the eksexpiry program to display local timezone instead of UTC:

aerolab client attach -n eksctl -- dpkg-reconfigure tzdata


If intending to switch to another region in the eksctl template yaml files, ensure that the above bootstrap -n NEWREGION is executed, replacing NEWREGION with actual AWS region. Without this, aerolab’s expiry system will not work in the new region.

If required, all preinstalled tools can also be updated and example yaml files can be recreated automatically with the new region.

See this page for information on how to update the tools in the eksctl client and switch regions.

Connect to the eks tools machine

Connect to the EKS tools machine, from which all the below steps are then executed.

aerolab client attach -n eksctl

Deploy an EKS cluster

In this example, we are deploying the basic.yaml example. Feel free to modify, tune and deploy another cluster. Cluster name is defined in the yaml file itself. See contents of /root/eks directory for more examples.

The EKS cluster expiry is defined by using a cluster tag in the yaml file itself. This can be changed later using the eksexpiry utility.

cd /root/eks
eksctl create cluster -f basic.yaml

Using eksctl to show clusters and select a cluster to use

Get cluster details:

# list clusters
eksctl get clusters
# get cluster details
eksctl get cluster -f /root/eks/basic.yaml
eksctl get nodegroup -f /root/eks/basic.yaml
eksctl get addon -f /root/eks/basic.yaml

Select cluster for kubectl authentication:

eksctl utils write-kubeconfig -f /root/eks/basic.yaml

Deploy OLM and AKO

While this can be done manually by following the official documentation, a deployment script has been provided.

cd /root/deploy-olm-ako
./ # display usage help
./ -f /root/eks/basic.yaml # apply olm and ako

Deploy Aerospike - basic example


cd /root/deploy-olm-ako/examples/clusters
kubectl apply -f aerospike_memory_namespaces.yaml -n aerospike

Check status:

kubectl get all -n aerospike
kubectl get pods -n aerospike -o wide

Get logs:

# normal
kubectl -n aerospike logs asdb-dev-1-0 -f
# init debugging only, run this multiple times as k8s rotates the containers until a useful error appears
kubectl -n aerospike logs -f asdb-dev-1-0 -c aerospike-init

Troubleshooting events:

kubectl get events -n olm
kubectl get events -n operators
kubectl get events -n aerospike

Attach to asadm:

kubectl run -it --rm --restart=Never aerospike-tool -n aerospike --image=aerospike/aerospike-tools:latest -- asadm -h asdb-dev-1-0.asdb-dev.aerospike:3000 -U admin -Padmin123

Change the EKS cluster expiry

Below 3 examples show how this can be achieved.

# using cluster name
eksexpiry --name CLUSTERNAME --region us-central-1 --in 30h
# using eksctl yaml file
eksexpiry --file /root/eks/basic.yaml --in 30h
# specify exact date instead of duration, format YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss[_TZ] ; if timezone is not specified, UTC is assumed
eksexpiry --name CLUSTERNAME --region us-central-1 --at 2024-02-11_05:40:15_0700

Destroy the EKS cluster

The below 2 examples show how to destroy using cluster name or the definition yaml file.

eksctl delete cluster -n basic --disable-nodegroup-eviction
eksctl delete cluster -f /root/eks/basic.yaml --disable-nodegroup-eviction


Further reading, usage and examples