
Launch a Vector (Proximus) client with AeroLab

AeroLab supports installing Vector (Proximus) client to Aerospike.


AeroLab supports vector version 0.3.1 by default. Version can be overriden using the --version=... parameter. Note that due to the current state of Vector development, only the default version has been tested to work with AeroLab.

Basic usage

Generate an example aerospike configuration file

Vector has specific 2-or-more-namespaces requirement from Aerospike servers. An example can be generated as follows:

aerolab conf generate

Tick the vector checkbox and optionally the on-disk checkbox for the vector namespace. Press CTRL+X to save as aerospike.conf.

Create an aerospike cluster

In this example, create 2 nodes, specifying GCP details. Use the generated aerospike.conf.

aerolab cluster create -n vectordb -c 2  -o aerospike.conf --zone us-central1-a --instance e2-standard-4

Create a vector client machine

aerolab client create vector -n vector -C vectordb --confirm --zone us-central1-a --instance e2-standard-4

Other options

The following vector-specific command-line parameters apply to your proximus cluster:

-C, --cluster-name=        aerospike cluster name to seed from (default: mydc)
    --seed=                specify an aerospike cluster seed IP:PORT instead of providing a ClusterName; if this parameter is provided, ClusterName is ignored
    --listen=              specify a listen IP:PORT for the service (default:
    --no-touch-listen      set this to prevent aerolab from touching the service: configuration part
    --no-touch-seed        set this to prevent aerolab from configuring the aerospike seed ip and port
    --no-touch-advertised  set this to prevent aerolab from configuring the advertised listeners
    --version=             vector version to install; only 0.3.1 is officially supported by aerolab (0.3.1-1 for rpm) (default: 0.3.1)
    --custom-conf=         provide a custom aerospike-proximus.yml to ship
    --no-start             if set, service will not be started after installation
-f, --featurefile=         Features file to install; if not provided, the features.conf from the seed aerospike cluster will be taken
    --metans=              configure the metadata namespace name (default: proximus-meta)
    --confirm              set this parameter to confirm any warning questions without being asked to press ENTER to continue


The vector client is best paired with a set of examples you can utilize. Follow these instructions to install in the /opt/ director and be invoked with the following steps.

aerolab attach client -n vector
apt -y install python3 python3-pip git
cd /opt && git clone

Or develop your own application using the aerospike vector python client.

Install the prism example image search application:

aerolab client attach -n vector -- /bin/bash /opt/ install

Once the install finishes, upload images:

aerolab files upload -c -n vector {path-to-pictures-file-or-directory} /opt/proximus-examples/prism-image-search/prism/static/images/data/

Run the web server:

aerolab client attach -n vector -- /bin/bash /opt/

Accessing the webserver

On docker, access

On cloud deployments, run aerolab client list and then access http://EXTERNAL_IP:8080.

Running the prism example webserver in tbe background

$ aerolab client attach -n vector
echo "nohup /bin/bash /opt/ >> /var/log/prism.log 2>&1 &" > /opt/autoload/15-prism
chmod 755 /opt/autoload/15-prism
$ aerolab client attach -n vector --detach -- /bin/bash /opt/autoload/15-prism

As the script is in /opt/autoload, prism will also be auto-started whenever aerolab starts the client machine.

Full example

The below example is for Docker. For GCP/AWS add the appropriate --zone=, --instance=, --instance-type= to all the cluster/client create commands. See aerolab cluster create help and aerolab client create help for more details.


# make a working directory
mkdir vector
cd vector

# create aerospike.conf - tick the vector and vectod-disk checkboxes
aerolab conf generate


# create aerospike cluster
aerolab cluster create -n vectordb -o aerospike.conf

# add exporter to aerospike cluster for monitoring
aerolab cluster add exporter -n vectordb 

# create vector client and configure it to use the aerospike cluster
aerolab client create vector -n vector -C vectordb --confirm

# create AMS monitoring stack, configure to monitor cluster and client, exposing prometheus port in docker
aerolab client create ams -n ams --clusters=vectordb --vector=vector -e 9090:9090

# install prism example in the vector client
aerolab client attach -n vector -- /bin/bash /opt/ install

# upload example images
aerolab files upload -c -n vector {path-to-image-folder-or-file} /opt/proximus-examples/prism-image-search/prism/static/images/data/

# create and upload prism example startup script
echo "nohup /bin/bash /opt/ >> /var/log/prism.log 2>&1 &" > 15-prism
aerolab files upload -c -n vector 15-prism /opt/autoload/15-prism
aerolab attach client -n vector -- chmod 755 /opt/autoload/15-prism

# run the prism example
aerolab client attach -n vector --detach -- /bin/bash /opt/autoload/15-prism

# tail prism logs
aerolab attach client -n vector -- tail -f /var/log/prism.log


On docker, access

On cloud deployments, run aerolab client list and then access http://EXTERNAL_IP:8080.

For accessing the AMS stack, see “Access URL” output of aerolab client list.


aerolab cluster destroy -f -n vectordb
aerolab client destroy -f -n ams,vector