
Getting started With AeroLab

One-time setup

Follow either the Docker or AWS instructions below, depending on the backend you use. You can use both backends at once, and use AeroLab commands on either one.

Docker instructions

  1. Docker on your machine. Below are some of the example methods to obtain docker:
    • Install Docker Desktop on your machine.
    • Install Docker Laptop on your MacOS machine.
    • Install Docker on Linux for your linux distribution.
  2. Start Docker. To make sure it’s running, run docker version at the command line.

  3. Configure disk, RAM,and CPU resources. In the Docker tray-icon, go to Preferences. Configure the required disk, RAM and CPU resources. At least 2 cores and 2 GB of RAM is recommended for a single-node cluster.





Download AeroLab from the releases page

The releases page has links to installers for all the supported platforms

Note that AeroLab can deploy Aerospike instances on both ARM64 and x86_64 architectures, regardless of which AeroLab binary you use.

Operating System CPU File Comments
macOS ALL aerolab-macos-VERSION.pkg multi-arch AeroLab installer for macOS
macOS M1 or M2 single executable binary in a zip file
macOS Intel CPU single executable binary in a zip file
Linux (generic) arm single executable binary in a zip file
Linux (generic) Intel/AMD single executable binary in a zip file
Linux (centos) arm aerolab-linux-arm64-VERSION.rpm RPM for installing on centos/rhel-based distros
Linux (centos) Intel/AMD aerolab-linux-x86_64-VERSION.rpm RPM for installing on centos/rhel-based distros
Linux (ubuntu) arm aerolab-linux-arm64-VERSION.deb DEB for installing on ubuntu/debian-based distros
Linux (ubuntu) Intel/AMD aerolab-linux-amd64-VERSION.deb DEB for installing on ubuntu/debian-based distros


Installation with the provided installer files is the recommended method. After download, run the executable and the aerolab command will become available.

Alternatively, you can perform a manual installation by downloading the relevant zip file, unpacking it, and then moving the unpacked aerolab binary to /usr/local/bin/. Remember to run chmod +x on the aerolab binary to make it executable.

First run

Running aerolab at the command line outputs a help page asking for backend configuration.

% aerolab

Create a config file and select a backend first using one of:

$ aerolab config backend -t docker [-d /path/to/tmpdir/for-aerolab/to/use]
$ aerolab config backend -t aws [-r region] [-p /custom/path/to/store/ssh/keys/in/] [-d /path/to/tmpdir/for-aerolab/to/use]
$ aerolab config backend -t gcp -o project-name [-d /path/to/tmpdir/for-aerolab/to/use] [-p /custom/path/to/store/ssh/keys/in/]

Default aerolab home directory is ${HOME}/.aerolab
Default config path is ${HOME}/.aerolab/conf

To specify a custom configuration file, set the environment variable:
   $ export AEROLAB_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/file.conf

To specify a custom aerolab home directory, set:
   $ export AEROLAB_HOME=/path/to/new/dir

Configuring defaults

You can change the default configuration with the aerolab config defaults command. If you change the defaults, the new values are used as defaults. You can still change the configuration at runtime by specifying command line switches.

Command Description
aerolab config defaults help print help for using the defaults command
aerolab config defaults print all defaults
aerolab config defaults -o print only the defaults that have been adjusted in the config file
aerolab config defaults -k '*Features*' print all defaults containing the word Features
aerolab config defaults -k '*.HeartbeatMode' -v mesh adjust HeartbeatMode default to mesh for all available commands

Getting started: configuration basics

It’s a good idea to configure the basics so you don’t have to use command line switches each time.

If you wish to use a custom features file, run the following command: aerolab config defaults -k '*FeaturesFilePath' -v /path/to/features.conf

If using multiple feature file versions, a directory containining those may be specified: aerolab config defaults -k '*FeaturesFilePath' -v /path/to/features/dir/

AeroLab on Windows with WSL2

  1. Go to Docker Desktop -> Settings -> General. Select Use the WSL 2 based engine
  2. Under Resources -> WSL Integration, select the virtual machine(s) you want to give access to Docker
  3. Stop WSL by executing wsl --shutdown
  4. Restart your WSL Linux virtual machine
  5. Fix permissions: sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock - this needs to be done every time Docker is restarted, or alternatively aerolab will have to be run with sudo each time

Shell completion

To enable shell completion, run one (or both) of:

aerolab completion zsh
aerolab completion bash

Basic usage

Deploy a cluster called testme with 5 nodes

aerolab cluster create --name=testme --count=5

Attach to node 2 in that cluster

aerolab attach shell --name=testme --node=2
root@node:/ $ service aerospike status
Aerospike running
root@node:/ $ service aerospike stop
Stopping Aerospike ... OK
root@node:/ $ service aerospike start
Starting Aerospike ... OK
root@node:/ $ exit

Run asadm info command on node 2

$ aerolab attach shell --name=testme --node=2 -- asadm -e info
$ aerolab attach asadm --name=testme --node=2 -- -e info

Run asinfo on all nodes

$ aerolab attach asinfo --name=testme --node=all -- -v service
$ aerolab attach shell --name=testme --node=all -- asinfo -v service
$ aerolab attach shell --name=testme --node=<node-expander-syntax> -- asinfo -v service

Node Expander

For commands accepting a list of nodes, the list is a comma-separated list of:

For example:

Destroy the cluster, force stopping

$ aerolab cluster destroy --name=testme -f

Get help on commands list

aerolab help
aerolab {command} help
aerolab {command} {subcommand} help

Configuration file generator

AeroLab can generate a basic aerospike.conf file by running:

aerolab conf generate

To generate aerospike.conf for Aerospike version prior to 7.0.0, run as follows:

aerolab conf generate --pre-7